Best Self Improvement Books

By | January 27, 2021
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Friends, we have the entire year ahead of us as an opportunity for working towards our  goals we set up for ourselves last year. What could be a better way to embark this journey than to read content rich self improvement books. After all, it is never too late to start working hard towards a better version of yourself!

A mere cursory reading through self development books won’t not serve any purpose, though. Rather you will have to thoroughly digest the content of the books. This way you can become your own life coach. Consider them as valuable tools and then apply those concepts to your daily lives.

We present here some of the best self-improvement books which can drastically transform your lives no matter what stage of life you are in.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki


This is one of the greatest books which every self-motivated person should read. It was published more than three decades ago, but still holds a prime relevance in today’s age.

In fact it breaks the myth that one needs an exorbitant salary in order to make a living.

“The poor dad” in the book title was the poor dad of the author, who worked as a teacher. He essentially represented an average American person. On the other hand the rich dad was the author’s friend’s father – a successful businessman.

‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ teaches you multifaceted things about the entire concept of money. These include reducing liabilities, gaining assets and about cashflow.

cash flow quadrant


You will also find umpteen quotes and lessons that provide in-depth meaning and concepts in this best-seller which sold millions of copies.

If you want answers to your questions about the reality behind making money, this book does give you a golden opportunity to be upfront.

It enables you to challenge yourself regarding your views about money in special and unique ways. Isn’t it high time that you figure out the difference between working for money and having your money work for you!

The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

best self improvement books


This is one of the timeless and ever popular books highlighting the value of positive thinking and the incredible results it generates. The book accentuates the mantra of self-improvement using positive thinking as the back drop.

This landmark book gives out critical lessons to develop self-confidence and ultimately believing in yourself to achieve your goals.

It is one of those classic books which has helped millions of men and women all across the globe to achieve fulfillment in their lives.

It preaches to continue having full faith in yourself and have an optimistic mindset which can help you achieve anything in life.

Power of Positive Thinking is a popular international seller which gives the readers an opportunity to believe in themselves.

They will be able to break worrying habits, fill their life with renewed energy and harness the power within to reach their goals. One of my all-time favorites!


The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

best self improvement books


This one is yet another of a phenomenal best seller by Darren Hardy. This classic from the author is based on the simple principle that the decisions you take in life ultimately shape your destiny.

The author outlines a very simple and step-by-step operating system which enables you to achieve anything you desire in life.

The Compound Effect can be called as the bible for self-improvement. The small everyday decisions you take will either take you to places or lead you to disaster and this is well explained in ‘The Compound Effect’.

It is a self-help book for achieving glorious success and happiness in life. It displays the tag line of “Jumpstart your Income, Your life, Your success”

Are you serious about living an extraordinary life? then be ready to use the compound effect as highlighted in this book.

By the time you finish reading this book, you will be able to learn about: using the compound effect to change your entire life. The author shows you how to make the correct choices in life, how to make changes in your habits and more.

You will learn how to become not only successful in your business and relationships but also someone who can add real value in others lives as well. If you are serious about achieving extraordinary success start your journey today!

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz


best self improvement books

Another timeless classic, this book has helped millions of readers all over the world to improve their lives by acquiring the secrets of success outlined in this book.

The author assures you that you can achieve anything and find true happiness in life.

Dr. Schwartz is considered quite a popular motivator. With this book he asserts a specially designed program which has worked on millions for obtaining success in literally everything in life. These include finances, your job, relationships and community.

The author delivers the message that you don’t need to be an intellectual to achieve great success in life.

All you need is the habit of developing an attitude of thinking and behaving in a way which will get you ultimately to what you are trying to achieve.

Learn to think positively to turn your defeat into victory, fulfill your dreams and think like a leader. All in all, this one is definitely worth a read. In Dr Schwartz’s words: “Think little goals and expect little achievements, dream big and you will win big success…”

Thinking big works like magic and it begins with believing in yourself.


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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


The Monk who sold his Ferrari is penned by Robin Sharma, a world-famous author, leader and a motivational speaker. This international best seller is a fictional tale and is based on his own experience in life after he left his practice as a litigation lawyer at the young age of 25 years.

The protagonist here is Julian Mantle who is shown as a workaholic and a powerful attorney. His world turns upside down after he suffers a near fatal heart attack.

He survives but this incident completely changes his perspective towards life. He suddenly decides to sell all his expensive possessions to pursue a spiritual inquest for seeking a meaningful existence.

During his soulful journey, he learns the critical seven powerful lessons and practices to live a wise and meaningful life. The story’s simplicity and the interesting narration adds to the deep meaning it exudes.

It talks about the story of how he gains wisdom to live a life of inner peace, purpose and attaining real wisdom for ages. This landmark book can help you develop self-discipline and follow your life’s calling. Why not run your own race, nourish your relationships and develop an attitude to live for the moment!

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

best self development books


This fabulous book by Charles Duhigg is a phenomenal New York Times best seller. This classic talks about in details about the ways people can change their lives by making a change in their habits.

The author takes the readers to an exciting journey of discovering the reasons why habits exist in the first place. He also explains what all can be done to change them for the better.

He has also tried to explain in details about making us understand an all together new perspective of illustrating the human nature and its enormous potential.

The book describes all about the way new science principles can be harnessed for completely transforming our lives, business and communities. He underlines a hard core fact true for everyone.  Habits are no way your destiny and they can be surely modified and changed for transforming your lives.

In this book, you will be able to learn how keystone habits can generate billions and in the long run. It can also teach you the vast difference between success and failure. What are you then waiting for?

Get hold of this awesome book to finally bring about changes in your old habits you thought were here to stay forever. Change your personal and professional life for the better!


So here you are…these were some of the best self-improvement books we handpicked for you.

Each one is a winner and as a best seller has garnered huge popularity all over the world. We encourage you to read these and self-motivate yourself for reaching greater heights of success and fulfillment in life.

These books will not change your life in a snap. Instead you will have to read these books as significant guides, assimilate the content thoroughly and apply them ultimately in your lives.

They sure do have the power of transforming your lives. You can make use of the lessons and strategies you learn in these books and create the success you have always aspired for!

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