It is no surprise for a marketer to know that most of your potential clients are a part of ever growing community of the social media giant – Facebook. There is no doubt in the statement that most of your clients are likely to use Facebook and that too on a regular basis.
Organic methods are not always successful as there is so much competition around you, in fact everyone is vying for the audience’s attention. Investing your valuable money in Facebook ads is an effective way to promote your product, but only works when you do have the knowledge to leverage this platform aptly and smartly so that you can get positive ROI for your brand. Are you ready with all this?
Start off with Established Goals
You need to select your main objective for which you are starting your Facebook campaign. Think about all the possible goals…do you want more Facebook likes? More website visits? When you select the Facebook ad type it affects your overall ad structure. Facebook also recommends you various ad formats based on your main objectives.
Audience Insights
Facebook’s Audience Insights is quite a useful tool at your disposal. This feature provided in Facebook Ads allows you to know more about specific audiences before investing and spending your budget. It gives you the kind of info you are seeking for your campaign regarding your audience, such as who your target market is etc. Instead of doing guess work and taking a shot in the dark, you now know which users are most likely to follow your ad and as a result of which it enables you to save quite a lot of money as well as time
Splitting your Facebook into various categories
It is vital to categorize the elements of an ad for simplifying the process. Break your ad into various elements which will ultimately help you in visualizing various things which need to be optimized and tested out. Here are some of the elements which you will be able to test: Images, Texts, Call to Action, Headline and so forth. The targeting can be based on these factors: Country, Gender, Interests, Age, education level etc. The miscellaneous elements which can be tested include landing page, ad placement and ad type.