Privacy Policy

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Me The Observer is a tech, marketing and business blog. We have enormous respect for your privacy. The following document highlights our privacy policy for all our online visitors:

In case you subscribe to our blog, you provide us with your email id and when you send us a query through an email. We retain the email address besides responding to your email.

While providing comments we simply ask you to provide your name, email address and the website you are associated with. Your email address is not published though it is mandatory to provide your email address and name.

How do we use your information?

The information provided by you on our website about yourself is used for efficient administration of the website. Receiving comments from you enables us to get your opinion and a feedback for  making the administration of this website more efficiently. Also, if you send us queries regarding the website we make sure that we reply as promptly as we can.

Subscribing to us means that you will be receiving updates of our new posts by email. This is all done to simply stay connected with our audience. The objective of the entire process is to improve user experience and our website as well based on the audience feedback.

We also want to clearly state here that the information we collect about all our visitors remains with the website owner and we do not share your information with any third party for any kind of monetary benefits.


Our blog is focused on providing our readers useful info related to business, marketing & technology. Although the content given here is original and is not copied from any other source over the web, we cannot affirm the authenticity of the content on this blog and are neither responsible and nor shall be entertaining any claims for losses or damages caused due to the content of our website.