Twitter Marketing Strategy

By | March 26, 2016
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Twitter is one of the most popular Social media platforms available today. It has come a long way from being a micro-blogging service to a major online communication gateway. twitter marketing strategyFor marketers especially, it’s a great platform to get the word out there for promoting their product or service.

As far as statistics are concerned, there are around 320 million monthly active Twitter users which is growing steadily with every passing year. Here, we have provided useful tips for carving effective Twitter Marketing Strategy for your business.

Build That Connection

It is quite simple for anyone to create a Twitter handle and send out their First tweet to their intended audience.  twitter followersThe real challenge begins when you start increasing your followers and promote your product by generating leads which ultimately helps in building your brand. The real challenge ahead for you as a marketer is to build that connection with your audience and create new opportunities for growing your business.

Find Leads in Chats

A Twitter Chat is surely a great opportunity to interact with people who are interested in a specific industry or any niche so you should make best use of this. twitter chat Reply to other chatters as well. Whenever you find someone who is from the same niche as yours, you can interact with them by making helpful comments and valuable suggestions or solutions to their queries which can be of value to them.

Complete Your Profile

Always have your cover photo which illustrates your latest event or campaign, have your website mentioned right there and also always have a pinned post that gets across a prominent message.

twitter profile

Your profile should say a lot about your professional niche or industry you belong to. In case you are a business, it should be clearly showcasing the features your product or service is offering to your intended audience and an elevator pitch to highlighting the way your product stands out from the rest of the crowd.

Calendars and Events

Twitter is one of those social media platforms which is perfect for real time marketing and a live response to events. twitter calendarSuch events which are related to your niche can be perfect destinations for making online comments and responses.

A counter response from another twitter user can make your profile visible to thousands of other followers. So mark out dates for major events which are relevant to your audience and you will surely benefit from the live exposure your handle will receive as it gets noticed by a wide audience.

Be Creative While Sharing

If you know properly how to utilize Twitter, it can surely drive tons of traffic to your website. Get creative and innovative when it comes to writing your tweets and while promoting your posts, websites, products and services.

creative sharing

Keeping your tweets brief and to the point will deliver your message more effectively. Using facts and figures are a great way for adding that element of validity to your tweets. Include relevant videos and pictures in your posts. At times mentioning twitter handles of big and popular names who belong to your industry in your tweets can be quite useful to get their attention.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags can indeed make a huge difference if used properly and strategically in your tweets. A hashtag is a great way for people to search for all such tweets which have a common topic and promote your tweets. It is symbolized by a # sign followed by a phrase.

twitter hash tags

Take advantage of Twitter’s analytic tool to find out the number of impressions your posts received and the number of times they were re-tweeted or liked. This will guide you in understanding which hashtags are the ones getting you the maximum viewership or exposure. You can include an existing hashtag from your own niche or create a new one yourself. Specially branded hashtags can also connect you to the audience who have not yet followed you.

Create Rewards and Offer Freebies!

You can work with your followers for promoting a twitter promotion. By conducting such rewarding campaigns you can easily find new followers as earning a prize does prompt people to re-tweet the same message to their friends and family. Sweepstakes and raffles offering an attractive prize is something which your followers will look forward to. twitter contest

Turn followers into brand ambassadors of your product or service by offering them freebies for a limited time. ‘Free’ is a magic word! Offering freebies and goodies is something all your followers would love to receive and this sure brings along with it the element for appreciating your customers for all their support while making them feel special.

Share Your Content Multiple Times

Most people have a busy schedule and they may often miss your tweet or visiting your profile. So never feel shy of sharing your content multiple times on your Twitter profile.

8476805037_2f8f0576c3_o (2)It has been observed that your second time of posting the same content fetches you far more views as well as engagement from your followers. In fact, you can also experiment with different types of images and texts when you share your content repeatedly. So give your Twitter marketing strategy a makeover and take it forward.

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