Companies nowadays have a variety of channels available to digitally market their business. Email marketing is still one of the most effective and best ways of achieving goals & fetching amazing results. Here we will show you the best tips for Email marketing which can help give the best results from your email campaigns.
Most of the marketing emails are in the form of press releases, discount/offers, promotions, announcements, newsletters and surveys.
With zillions of emails going out on a daily basis, the real challenge marketers face is to keep the interest of their audience alive and to stand out from others.
Developing an email Marketing Plan
Before venturing into sending out emails to your audience, it is advisable to develop an email marketing plan. This will definitely help you think about all the strategies and ideas you can use to achieve your goals.
An email marketing plan includes components such as:
- Email marketing tools
- Strategies you need to bring effective results
- Creating timelines
- Different categories of the emails
Creating the strategies ahead of time can give you time to meticulously think about the desired results. For the long haul this can help for sure to achieve success in your emarketing campaigns for your intended audience
Personalize your email Campaigns
Personalizing your emails for the customers is paramount. Marketers often make mistakes of sending out offers which are not targeted or tailor made to the potential customer receiving the message.
Customers use such emails most of the times ultimately to get unsubscribed. In contrast, personalization can greatly prove to be beneficial by increasing the open rates up to 50% which is significant.
In order to do that, you can use lead forms for collecting their email addresses and a couple of other important fields which can ultimately help you to collect the info required for personalizing the emails.
Craft Engaging and Catchy Subject Lines
Your emails need to stand out from your competitors. The best way to do that when it comes to your prospective customers is to write compelling subject lines.
Now if you want your audience to read an important piece of information related to your service, you should provide a compelling subject line for measuring the open rate.
Some of the other features you should be sure to include in the subject lines are restricting them up to 50 characters. This ensures that you don’t cut off specially on mobile devices.
Make sure the subject lines are clear, concise and create a sense of urgency by using action-oriented verbs. Avoid using words which indicate spam triggers such as “cash” and “save”. It is highly likely that by including an exclusive value proposition the user will open your email.
Including Call to Action Button in your Email
More than 50% of your email recipients will scan your email without reading each sentence. That is the reason you want to have a clear call-to-action button that is easy to spot for such recipients.
After all it is the CTA which will ultimately get the person to convert. If you do not place the button, you will be missing out one of the most significant requirements of a successful email marketing campaign.
Avoid using multiple CTAs as it distracts the recipient.
You would want to place your button in such a way that it is easily visible by the recipient. The result on clicking brings value to them. This way they would find a real reason to check it out by clicking on it.
Using Alt-text for CTA and Images
Using An Alt-text on your images and “Call to action” buttons is always a good idea as many email providers by default block images including CTA buttons.
In that case a part of your audience might not be able to see your beautiful CTA button or images if you don’t do that.
So even if someone is unable to see the pretty button or image by default, the alt text will beckon them to click on it.
Your emails should look Appealing
As an email marketer your emails should be crafted in a way that they look professional. This can enable you to so keep the audience’s interests alive which entices them to open the email. Some of the best ways to go about doing that is:
- Include using bullet points to help the audience read the content quickly & accurately
- Because we never want to lose anything, that’s why limited discounts time wise work so well (FOMO)
- Formatting the emails by using short paragraphs and important keywords or phrases is significant
- Using bullet points
- Avoid overusing images in your emails
- Your emails should be readable and look good on mobile devices/desktops as well
Performing A/B Testing
AB Testing is also known as Split Testing. It is a marketing strategy which enables marketers to test different versions of their email campaigns with respect to subject lines, calls to action and the text as well.
A/B testing can be performed with a variety of variables. For instance videos, audio and images.
Performing A/B testing with multiple variables will make it very difficult to accurately figure out the real reason of one campaign being more successful than the other one.
Never ever send out anything without being absolutely sure of the email content and whether it is working correctly.
View your messages on different web browsers and mobile devices before mass mailing them. You should also experiment one by one with varying the subject lines and call to actions.
Sending your emails on different days of the week and various time slots will also provide a ton of info. This will help you determine the best campaign which will bring in the best results for you.
Sending your emails at the Right Times
There is no particular time of the day which can be considered the perfect time to send out emails. Each brand is different with a different set of audience with varying needs and behaviors.
So for your emarketing campaigns you will have to test different days and times to find which one works perfectly for you.
According to experts, the best time to send out your emails is mid-morning around 10 am and around 1 pm. That doesn’t mean that you need to send it at exactly 10 am!
Try to send it past the top hour for instance 10:08 am to increase your chances of being opened by the recipients.
- Consistency is Significant
Consistency seems to be a big factor in determining the open rate of your emails. Tuesdays are considered to be the best day and get more engagement as per experts.
However the more regular you will be with sending out your campaigns, the more will your open rates drastically improve.
Ultimately what really matters is your consistency. You will have to find out the perfect day and time which works best for your niche audience.
Segmentation of your Subscribers
Grouping your subscribers on the basis of their interests/behaviors such as location and gender is essential if you would want your email marketing campaigns to bring about super successful results.
Segmentation is one of the best email marketing tips which marketers can use to their advantage in creating successful campaigns.
This is natural as this grouping helps you to cater to your audience in a more relevant way for their content and special offers or discounts. Make sure your emails are relevant to your intended audience.
You can cater to their requirements by sending more personalized emails. This also helps develop long term trust for the brand as they receive relevant and desired information through your emails.
In fact the right way is to craft multiple versions of the emails such as welcome email or follow-up emails.
Checking the email Analytics
For improving your email marketing campaigns you need to check their open rates, bounce rates and the unsubscribed numbers as well.
This will help you in working on creating a plan to improve your current campaigns. Always keep a close eye on your data such as the number of email addresses that were undeliverable.
The most significant metrics are click-to-open rate, click-through-rate and open rate.
Analytics provide a powerful insight into your campaigns
There are various tools available for helping you do that accurately. You should also compare the variables to industry metrics.
If you are missing on the analytics part of your campaigns, you won’t have enough information or data to base your future decisions and strategies for your next email campaigns.
Creating Lead Magnets as Offers for your Clients
Marketers have used Lead magnets time and again for their subscribers for enticing their audience.
A lead magnet is usually something a subscriber notices right away when they land on the brand’s website. It is a free resource which email marketers offer to their potential customer in exchange for their email address. This is the reason it needs to be attractive and eye-catching.
So you need to optimize your lead magnets so that it increases your chances of getting conversions by manifold.
If you are ready to provide the audience something really useful and relevant for them related to the business, they will be more than happy to share their name and email address.
If you already have their email, you can offer the lead magnet in the first email itself. This in turn, will encourage subscribers to continue receiving your emails.
Major Lead Magnets used by Marketers
A free webinar, a free report, coupon, free trials/samples, free consultation, white paper, cheat sheet, discount code, training videos, trial software Download, Survey, Quiz, Giveaway.
Lead magnets can also be in the form of Case studies, guide, report, templates, free cheat sheets, free shipping, free quote & a free ebook are the most frequently used lead magnets.
Marketers around the world still use email as one of the most effective and powerful tools used to reach out directly to their intended audience. They can use these tips for email marketing for achieving their goals.
When used in combination with other marketing channels, emails prove to be quite an effective way to drive engagement and customer loyalty as well.
Similar to most of the marketing strategies, email marketing is an entire process on its own. Leveraging Email automation tools can also bring the desired personalized experience for your subscribers.
A perfect combination of well-planned methods and analyzing existing data to make the required improvements in your campaigns is paramount to run successful campaigns. So put on your thinking caps and apply all of these in your email marketing today!
Extra Bonus!
Watch this video to get motivated and driven for achieving your business goals.