Free Online Grammar Checker Tools

By | February 22, 2019
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free online grammar checker toolsMost of us often come across situations when it is expected of you to have flawless English writing skills. It is vital to understand and realize the significance of using correct grammar in your written content. Fortunately, there are an array of free online grammar checker tools which can enable you to make written content free of any grammar related mistakes. 


Free Online Grammar Checker

Grammarly is one of the most popular grammar checker tools available online and is used by people all over the world. This tool helps people to write their documents free of errors related to grammar. After all in this digital era your social media posts or official documents do require to be making a powerful impact on your intended audience.

The tool detects FREE grammar, spelling and punctuation related mistakes within written content. The user has two choices – either copy and paste any text from anywhere into the editor or else they can install free browser extension for chrome, Apple or Firefox which can help to correct your mistakes almost on every web page.

This awesome tool also suggests corrections as per the context within grammar, spellings and punctuation. The tool helps you explain the reasoning associated with each correction so you can make a decision regarding whether you would like to correct the specific sentence.


Free Online Grammar Checker

This online Grammar checker, Ginger help you detect mistakes or errors in texts and thus helps in improving your English. This tool uses patent technology for correcting errors related to grammar, spellings or punctuation. It works in the same way a human reviewer would.

Proofreading becomes much easier when you make use of this tool. This tool comes with three versions: free version, basic version and finally the premium one which offers an array of additional features. Another unique feature of Ginger is its ability to work by integrating itself with Word. Don’t let your grammatical mistakes get into your way of writing correct English!

 White Smoke

Free Online Grammar Checker Tools

WhiteSmoke is a free online grammar checker for writers for checking grammar, spelling and punctuation. It is available as a free trial and a paid version for additional features.

Besides, checking your content for grammar and spelling related mistakes this online web application also produces a report that can rate your writing. By using this tool you will be able to correct your text and also provide your suggestion for improving upon your writing.

Another impressive feature of this tool is its ability to edit your content while you are writing. White Smoke is a publicly traded software company showing admonishing growth over the years. It is integrated with Microsoft Word along with Outlook and is compatible with Mac and Windows.


Free Online Grammar Checker

GrammarCheck is one of the oldest online tools available for checking grammar. It is a user friendly tool and works efficiently. It does perform grammar checking and spell check pretty fast. Simply enter the text you want to check by using this tool for grammar and punctuation mistakes.

Now click on “Free Check”. Click on the underlined words for checking their correct answers and explanations. Correct all the errors with regards to style, grammar and punctuation changes. There is another button which says “Deep Check”.

This button is capable of finding more difficult to spot errors including dangling modifiers and so forth. By using this tool you will be also able to import documents, write and edit them as well.


Free Online Grammar Checker

Paper Rater is one of the most popular online grammar and spell checking tools available today. It is completely free to use and also comes with plagiarism detection features. Their proofreading tool also includes modules presenting present analysis of the text while comparing with students at the same education level.

This tool is used quite frequently by students who require proofreading and want to use grammar tools. There is an automated essay scoring system in place which can be quite helpful for students.

Some of the other modules, which are available include passive voice detection, sentence beginning analysis and vocabulary usage. They also offer premium service for people who would want to submit longer documents and also the ones who require more accuracy in plagiarism detection.

After the Deadline

free online grammar checker

After the Deadline is an English grammar, style and spell checker for WordPress. It is available both online and as a plugin for various applications. Just like other grammar check tools, it provides you all the errors occurred in writing, phrases, voice or usage of any misused words.

After your text is processed, it flags errors and you can have the explanation for each one of these. It also integrates with various software solutions.

Since it integrates quite well with WordPress platform, bloggers find it quite a useful and convenient tool to use for their content. This tool uses an open source language checking technology for its users.

Online Spellcheck

free online grammar checker

This free online grammar checker tool is a great tool for finding mistakes in your written content related to grammar and spelling. This tool can perform error free proof reading. All you have to do is copy and paste your text in their textbox.

In return, they will provide you all the errors and the correct  versions. They have provided also an online spell dictionary. This dictionary basically consist of words which you would have used quite frequently within your texts but have been seen as mistakes.

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All the above described grammar and spelling checker tools are the best ones available online. We hope you will analyze and ultimately select the one which you find most convenient and useful as per your requirements.

Invest some time on each one of them to make a smart decision about the one which works best for you. Simultaneously do make all the efforts necessary to improvise on your writing skills, though all these tools can be quite helpful for checking your text for potential errors and for providing you the corrected versions.

I would love to hear your opinion in the comments section below regarding the grammar tool you make use of for your own website content or any piece of writing.

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