The corporate world of today is getting more competitive and changing faster than ever. Schedules are getting busier and work pressure is immense. Juggling between work and personal front is not that easy and that induces tremendous stress on our lives. It becomes imperative to assess work life balance benefits which companies offer for their employees.
It has always been a challenge for employees to strike a perfect balance between career and family. Finding your footing in this space can be hard.
During this search for a decisive work-life balance, people seek things as per their requirements and priorities. How can we achieve that? Here are some of the benefits of mobilizing work life balance.
Increases Productivity
Can you ever expect wonders from brains that are literally sleeping…that exactly happens when your employees get burnt out at work. If you want to give a solid boost to your productivity in the work place, keeping employees happy will solve most of your problems.
So, the bottom line is that contended employees breeds prosperity and more growth. The best employees are ones which are the most productive, loyal and engaged to your business. Make sure that you cater to their needs and requirements for a healthy work-life balance.
Better Relationship with Management
Modern employees demand greater control of their own lives. When they feel that, they tend to have better relationships with their managers and bosses. It is very much understood, the primary reason being that employees are able to leave their worries behind at home.
This in turn increases their productivity leading to better growth of the business. The number of conflicts among the employees and management or mutual coworkers are greatly reduced when employees are happy and contended.
Higher Retention Rate of Employees
Companies who provide opportunities to their employees for encouraging a work life balance are always welcomed by future employees. They are seen as sources of attracting talented employees and enjoy higher employee retention rates.
Overall, the company also benefits as it results in more employees with in-house expertise. The reputation of being concerned with employee well-being is a huge plus for such businesses when it comes to recruiting loyal and meritorious employees
Your Brand Reputation
If your business is known to lay emphasis on fulfilling the requirement of your employees for a work life balance, you will surely be able to create a strong reputation in the market as a positive employer.
Having said that, it is important to understand that a positive reputation and a perception always can provide you an edge over your competitors. After all, increasing the revenue and creating an awesome reputation as an employer can definitely project you as a reputed employer.
Ways Employers can Help Mobilise Work Life Balance
Flexible Schedules
One of the most important benefits of maintaining a work life balance is having a flexible schedule. Companies are trying to find better alternatives to the hectic paced and a conventional 40 hour working week.
The focus is to adopt policies providing flexibility in the work schedule of employees. The benefits are enormous. It has been seen that employees are able to recharge themselves and return to work with more productivity. Employees work as they see best fit, not necessarily the conventional 9-5 pm.
Some other steps taken by companies in this direction are introducing generous vacation policies for employees. For instance fixed number of holidays at the end of year or taking birthdays off.
This provision also helps in rejuvenation to scoop out personal time. Some companies offer to increase annual vacation plan once an employee completes 4 or 5 years in the company.
Provision of Training Options
Today’s generation of employees seek time and resources from their employees to update their skills so that they can grow further. They expect the company to provide more and more opportunities for them to further hone their skills as per the changing technology and demand.
This consideration is quite prevalent while seeking employment in the corporate world. They want their employer to invest in them by providing tuition reimbursement or further education opportunities which can also help grow the company.
This sort of environment encourages well-being, career growth and productivity of the employees resulting in producing loyal and workers having the latest skills required to succeed.
Setting Limits on Technology Usage after Working Hours
Technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages as well. Employers should take care of their employer’s privacy and avoid disturbing them with work related phone calls or emails after work hours. Going over the top with work related textual queries can be in fact a source of harassment for employees.
Make sure that you have a plan in place which ensures allotting and completion of work within the office hours. This will help your strengthen the team, provide them time where they can totally abstain themselves from work related stress and relax during non-working hours in order to pave way for a new productive day.
Responsible Child Care Services
As an employer, providing your employees with efficient child care facility can be a source of great relief and satisfaction. Inefficient child care providers are a huge source of stress and distraction for employees. For instance, Childcare discounts for employees with a tenure of more than 3 years can prove to be a huge boon.
Providing an onsite facility for child care services can do wonders for the staff. If that is not practically not possible, giving employees some flexibility to enable them to care for their children can be a huge asset for them. This include picking a sick child from their school or the flexibility of attending a special event at their school.
Work Flexibility

Working virtually instead of attending office in-person has become almost a necessity for enabling employees maintain a work-life balance. However, not all businesses are meant for working virtually.
Employers should assess the pros and cons of giving this liberty to your employees without compromising on the productivity of the company.
However, at times enabling your employees to work remotely due to a personal emergency or an urgent work is vital so that they can make up that lost time later. Following this will enable them to complete their work within the required deadlines without having to lose any part of their wages.
Short Breaks during the Working Day
On an average, a human body is not designed to be sitting at one place for eight long hours, while staring on the screen. Doing this can lead to a number of health problems.
Taking short couple of breaks during the work hours is necessary for ensuring a healthy state of mind and body for work. This enables employees to be able to focus better and become more productive at their job.
Provision for Exercising or Working Out
Getting exercise or 30 minutes a day has become a necessity for being able to lead healthy life as an able-bodied adult. In case your company does have a gym facility, encourage them to use it.
Otherwise you can offer a discount on a local gym membership for giving them a positive incentive so that they remain fit and healthy. Healthy employees are the backbone of a healthy organization.
Let us all remember that having a work life balance is essential for a healthy and productive organization. Empowering your employees for being able to have a better control of their work and personal lives will enable you as an employer to extract the best out of them.
If your employees are happy and satisfied with their job and the work environment, it will boost your productivity and grow your organization by leaps and bounds.
The payoffs from finding that balance are magnanimous. We have seen all work life balance benefits in details as discussed above. All your efforts in this direction will enable you to witness the benefits of an increase in revenues without compromising on efficiency of the workplace.
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